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предыдущая главасодержаниеследующая глава

White-stone Russia. Photographies. Part 10

Filly. The Church of Pokrov. Fragment. 1693
Filly. The Church of Pokrov. Fragment. 1693

Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. 1555-1560. Porch. Fragment
Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. 1555-1560. Porch. Fragment

Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. View from the Kremlin. 1555-1560
Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. View from the Kremlin. 1555-1560

Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. 1555-1560. Stonemasonry of the floor
Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. 1555-1560. Stonemasonry of the floor

Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. Painting on the arches of the patrol gallery. 1555-1560
Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. Painting on the arches of the patrol gallery. 1555-1560

Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. Fragment. 1555-1560
Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. Fragment. 1555-1560

Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. Fragment. 1555-1560
Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. Fragment. 1555-1560

Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. Figured masonry. Detail
Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. Figured masonry. Detail

Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. 1555-1560. Brickmasonry of the floor
Moscow. The Cathedral of Saint Basil. 1555-1560. Brickmasonry of the floor

Moscow. Kremlin. The Second Innominate Tower. Fragment. XV-XVIII centuries
Moscow. Kremlin. The Second Innominate Tower. Fragment. XV-XVIII centuries

Moscow. Kremlin. Kremlin wall. View from the Moscow river
Moscow. Kremlin. Kremlin wall. View from the Moscow river

Moscow. Kremlin. Nickolskaya Tower. Fragment. XV-XIX centuries
Moscow. Kremlin. Nickolskaya Tower. Fragment. XV-XIX centuries

Moscow. Kremlin. Nickolskaya Tower. XV-XIX centuries
Moscow. Kremlin. Nickolskaya Tower. XV-XIX centuries

Moscow. Kremlin. Beklemishefskaya Tower
Moscow. Kremlin. Beklemishefskaya Tower

Moscow. Kremlin. Konstantinofskaya, Nabatnaya, Tsarskaya and Spasskaya Towers
Moscow. Kremlin. Konstantinofskaya, Nabatnaya, Tsarskaya and Spasskaya Towers

Moscow. Kremlin. Tsarskaya Tower. 1680
Moscow. Kremlin. Tsarskaya Tower. 1680

Moscow. Kremlin. Cupolas of the cathedrals
Moscow. Kremlin. Cupolas of the cathedrals

Moscow. Kremlin. View from the Moscow river
Moscow. Kremlin. View from the Moscow river

Moscow. Kremlin. View from the Moscow river
Moscow. Kremlin. View from the Moscow river

Moscow. Kremlin. Spasskaya Tower. View from the Cathedral of Saint Basil. Late XV- early XVI centuries
Moscow. Kremlin. Spasskaya Tower. View from the Cathedral of Saint Basil. Late XV- early XVI centuries

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Стропы канатные одноветвевые http://komplektacya.ru/gruzopodjemnoe-oborudovanie/stropy-gruzovye/stalnye/1sk/ в магазине Комплектация.ру

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http://townevolution.ru/ 'История архитектуры и градостоительства'


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