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White-stone Russia. Photographies. Part 1

Staraya Ladoga fortress. General view from Volkhov river. Remnants of fortifications and the Church of St. George. Second half of the XII century
Staraya Ladoga fortress. General view from Volkhov river. Remnants of fortifications and the Church of St. George. Second half of the XII century

Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. Fragment of the South wall. Second half of the XII century
Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. Fragment of the South wall. Second half of the XII century

Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. View from the South. Second half of the XII century
Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. View from the South. Second half of the XII century

Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. Second half of the XII century. Inside view. Part under the dome. In the dome - paintings of the 80-ies of the XII century
Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. Second half of the XII century. Inside view. Part under the dome. In the dome - paintings of the 80-ies of the XII century

Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. Second part of the XII century. Apse painting fragment of the 80-ies of the XII century
Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. Second part of the XII century. Apse painting fragment of the 80-ies of the XII century

Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. Portrayal of St. George. Detail of 'St. George slaying the dragon' fresco of the 80-ies of the XII century
Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. Portrayal of St. George. Detail of 'St. George slaying the dragon' fresco of the 80-ies of the XII century

Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. 'St. George slaying the dragon'. Fresco. The 80-ies of the XII century
Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. 'St. George slaying the dragon'. Fresco. The 80-ies of the XII century

Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. Fragment of the South wall with the dome. Second part of the XII century
Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. Fragment of the South wall with the dome. Second part of the XII century

Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. General view of the cathedral from the Southwest. Second part of the XII century
Staraya Ladoga. The Church of St. George. General view of the cathedral from the Southwest. Second part of the XII century

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Facade sculptural decoration. Fragment. 1193-1197
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Facade sculptural decoration. Fragment. 1193-1197

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. View from the West. 1193-1197
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. View from the West. 1193-1197

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Relief on the upper part of the facade
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Relief on the upper part of the facade

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Relief on the upper part of the facade
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Relief on the upper part of the facade

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Arcature belt relief. Fragment. 1193-1197
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Arcature belt relief. Fragment. 1193-1197

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Sculptural decoration of the portal. Fragment. 1193-1197
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Sculptural decoration of the portal. Fragment. 1193-1197

 Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Fragment of the relief. 1193-1197
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Fragment of the relief. 1193-1197

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Relief portrayal of Tsar David. 1193-1197
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Relief portrayal of Tsar David. 1193-1197

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Fragment of the relief. 1193-1197
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Dmitriyevsky Cathedral. Fragment of the relief. 1193-1197

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. mitriyevsky Cathedral. Fragment of the sculptural decoration. 1193-1197
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. mitriyevsky Cathedral. Fragment of the sculptural decoration. 1193-1197

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Uspensky Cathedral. Maskaron at the column base of the arcature belt. 1158-1161
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Uspensky Cathedral. Maskaron at the column base of the arcature belt. 1158-1161

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