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White-stone Russia. Photographies. Part 2

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Uspensky Cathedral. View from the Southwest. 1158-1161
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Uspensky Cathedral. View from the Southwest. 1158-1161

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Uspensky Cathedral. Fragment of the South wall. 1158-1161
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Uspensky Cathedral. Fragment of the South wall. 1158-1161

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Uspensky Cathedral. Maskaron at the column base of the arcature belt. 1158-1161
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Uspensky Cathedral. Maskaron at the column base of the arcature belt. 1158-1161

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Uspensky Cathedral. Fragment of the wall. 1158-1161
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Uspensky Cathedral. Fragment of the wall. 1158-1161

Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Uspensky Cathedral. Fragment of the arcature belt. 1158-1161
Vladimir-on-Klyazma. Uspensky Cathedral. Fragment of the arcature belt. 1158-1161

Izborsk. Fortifications of the early XIV century
Izborsk. Fortifications of the early XIV century

Izborsk. Fortifications of the early XIV century
Izborsk. Fortifications of the early XIV century

Izborsk. Tower. Fragment. The early XIV century
Izborsk. Tower. Fragment. The early XIV century

Izborsk. Tower. Inside view. Early of the XIV century
Izborsk. Tower. Inside view. Early of the XIV century

Izborsk. Tower. Early of the XIV century
Izborsk. Tower. Early of the XIV century

Izborsk. Fragment of the fortification wall. Early of the XIV century
Izborsk. Fragment of the fortification wall. Early of the XIV century

Solovetsky Cloister. View from the Holy Lake. XV-XIX centuries
Solovetsky Cloister. View from the Holy Lake. XV-XIX centuries

Solovetsky Cloister. Fragment of the fortification wall
Solovetsky Cloister. Fragment of the fortification wall

Solovetsky Cloister. South (Arkhangelskaya) Tower. The XV century
Solovetsky Cloister. South (Arkhangelskaya) Tower. The XV century

Solovetsky Cloister. North (Nickolskaya) Tower and part of the fortification wall. The XV century
Solovetsky Cloister. North (Nickolskaya) Tower and part of the fortification wall. The XV century

Solovetsky Cloister. Upper patrol gallery of the fortification wall
Solovetsky Cloister. Upper patrol gallery of the fortification wall

Solovetsky Cloister. Arcs-boutants of the Eastern part of the fortification wall
Solovetsky Cloister. Arcs-boutants of the Eastern part of the fortification wall

Solovetsky Cloister. North (Nickolskaya) Tower
Solovetsky Cloister. North (Nickolskaya) Tower

Solovetsky Cloister. Stonemasonry of the fortification wall
Solovetsky Cloister. Stonemasonry of the fortification wall

Solovetsky Cloister. Unifying arches in the Eastern part of the Eastern part of the fortifications
Solovetsky Cloister. Unifying arches in the Eastern part of the Eastern part of the fortifications

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Стропы 1ст http://komplektacya.ru/gruzopodjemnoe-oborudovanie/stropy-gruzovye/vetvevye/1st/

При копировании обязательна установка активной ссылки:
http://townevolution.ru/ 'История архитектуры и градостоительства'


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