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White-stone Russia. Photographies. Part 8

Ostrov in the Moscow region. The Church of Transfiguration. Fragment. The late XVI century
Ostrov in the Moscow region. The Church of Transfiguration. Fragment. The late XVI century

Ostrov in the Moscow region. The Church of Transfiguration. The late XVI century
Ostrov in the Moscow region. The Church of Transfiguration. The late XVI century

Rostov the Great. Kremlin. 1670-1683. Panorama. The Church of Resurrection, bellfry, in the distance - Uspensky Cathedral
Rostov the Great. Kremlin. 1670-1683. Panorama. The Church of Resurrection, bellfry, in the distance - Uspensky Cathedral

Rostov the Great. Kremlin. On the foreground-part of one of the West gate towers, in the distance-the Church of John the Baptist
Rostov the Great. Kremlin. On the foreground-part of one of the West gate towers, in the distance-the Church of John the Baptist

Rostov the Great. Kremlin. North Gate and the Church of Resurrection. 1670
Rostov the Great. Kremlin. North Gate and the Church of Resurrection. 1670

Rostov the Great. Fragment of the tower in the South part of the Kremlin
Rostov the Great. Fragment of the tower in the South part of the Kremlin

Rostov the Great. Fragment of covering of the North Gate tower, by the Church of Resurrection
Rostov the Great. Fragment of covering of the North Gate tower, by the Church of Resurrection

Rostov the Great. Kremlin. Uspensky Cathedral. Domes
Rostov the Great. Kremlin. Uspensky Cathedral. Domes

Rostov the Great. Bellfry
Rostov the Great. Bellfry

Rostov the Great. Bellfry. The bell
Rostov the Great. Bellfry. The bell

Rostov the Great. Vestibule of the Church of Resurrection. 1670. Fragment of the portal
Rostov the Great. Vestibule of the Church of Resurrection. 1670. Fragment of the portal

Rostov the Great. The Church of Resurrection. Painting on the wall (1670-ies)
Rostov the Great. The Church of Resurrection. Painting on the wall (1670-ies)

Rostov the Great. The Church of John the Baptist. Painting on the wall (1670-ies)
Rostov the Great. The Church of John the Baptist. Painting on the wall (1670-ies)

Rostov the Great. The Church of John the Baptist. Fragment of the painting (1670-ies)
Rostov the Great. The Church of John the Baptist. Fragment of the painting (1670-ies)

Rostov the Great. The Church of John the Baptist
Rostov the Great. The Church of John the Baptist

Rostov the Great. The Church of Resurrection. Gallery. Fragment
Rostov the Great. The Church of Resurrection. Gallery. Fragment

Ipatyevsky Cloister. XVI-XVII centuries. One of the big towers. On the foreground - Old West Gates
Ipatyevsky Cloister. XVI-XVII centuries. One of the big towers. On the foreground - Old West Gates

Ipatyevsky Cloister. XVI-XVII centuries. 'New city'. Green tower and wooden church from the Spas-Vedzy village. 1628
Ipatyevsky Cloister. XVI-XVII centuries. 'New city'. Green tower and wooden church from the Spas-Vedzy village. 1628

Filly. The Church of Pokrov. 1693
Filly. The Church of Pokrov. 1693

Ipatyevsky Cloister. Troitsky Cathedral. Domes. Fragment
Ipatyevsky Cloister. Troitsky Cathedral. Domes. Fragment

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