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предыдущая главасодержаниеследующая глава

White-stone Russia. Photographies. Part 7

Alexandrov. Uspensky Cloister. Tower. Fragment
Alexandrov. Uspensky Cloister. Tower. Fragment

122. Alexandrov. Troitsky Cathedral. View from the East. 1570.
122. Alexandrov. Troitsky Cathedral. View from the East. 1570.

Alexandrov. Uspensky Cloister. Fortification wall. View from the yard. Fragment
Alexandrov. Uspensky Cloister. Fortification wall. View from the yard. Fragment

Alexandrov. Uspensky Cloister. Fortification wall. View from the yard
Alexandrov. Uspensky Cloister. Fortification wall. View from the yard

Alexandrov. Uspensky Cloister. Pokrovsky Cathedral. The XVI century
Alexandrov. Uspensky Cloister. Pokrovsky Cathedral. The XVI century

Alexandrov. Belltower in the Uspensky Cloister. The XVI century.
Alexandrov. Belltower in the Uspensky Cloister. The XVI century.

Kolomenskoye. The Anterior gate. 1611-1672
Kolomenskoye. The Anterior gate. 1611-1672

Kolomenskoye. The arch of Anterior gate. Fragment. 1611-1672
Kolomenskoye. The arch of Anterior gate. Fragment. 1611-1672

Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. Fragment. 1532.
Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. Fragment. 1532.

Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. Fragment. 1532
Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. Fragment. 1532

Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. 1532
Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. 1532

Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. Fragment. 1532
Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. Fragment. 1532

Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. Fragment. 1532
Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. Fragment. 1532

Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. 1532
Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. 1532

Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. Fragment. 1532
Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. Fragment. 1532

Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. Fragment. 1532
Kolomenskoye. The Church of Assumption. Fragment. 1532

Dyakovo. The Church of John the Precursor. Fragment of the dome drum. 1547
Dyakovo. The Church of John the Precursor. Fragment of the dome drum. 1547

Dyakovo. The Church of John the Precursor. 1547
Dyakovo. The Church of John the Precursor. 1547

Dyakovo. The Church of John the Precursor. Fragment of the facade. 1547
Dyakovo. The Church of John the Precursor. Fragment of the facade. 1547

Dyakovo. The Church of John the Precursor. View from the West. 1547
Dyakovo. The Church of John the Precursor. View from the West. 1547

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Выравниватель фланцев http://komplektacya.ru/gidravlicheskij-instrument-oborudovanie/flancevyj/vyravnivateli-flancev/

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http://townevolution.ru/ 'История архитектуры и градостоительства'


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