Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. Fragment of the portal of Spassky Cathedral. 1410-1427
Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. Fragment of the portal of Spassky Cathedral. 1410-1427
Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. Fortification wall with the corner tower. XV-XVIII centuries
Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. The Southwest tower and part of the cloister wall, on the foreground - the corner of Prior's palace (1690-ies)
Moscow. Krutitsky Tower. Back facade. Fragment. 1694
Moscow. Krutitsky Tower. Side gallery. Fragment. 1694
Moscow. Krutitsky Tower. Majolica work of the main facade. Fragment. 1694
Moscow. Krutitsky Tower. General facade. 1694
Moscow. Novo-Devitchy Cloister. General view
Moscow. Novo-Devitchy Cloister. Naprudnaya Tower. Fragment
Moscow. Novo-Devitchy Cloister. The window of Refectory. 1685-1687
Moscow. Novo-Devitchy Cloister. On the foreground - Lopukhinskaya Palace (1685-1687), in the distance - over-the-gate Preobradzenskaya Church (1687-1689)
Moscow. Novo-Devitchy Cloister. Porch of Smolensky Cathedral
Moscow. Novo-Devitchy Cloister. Smolensky Cathedral. View from the West. 1524-1525