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White-stone Russia. Photographies. Part 5

Ferapontov Cloister. Corner part of the living quarters
Ferapontov Cloister. Corner part of the living quarters

Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. View from the East. Fragment. 1490
Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. View from the East. Fragment. 1490

Zvenigorod. Savvino-Storodzevsky Cloister. Tower. XVI-XVII centuries
Zvenigorod. Savvino-Storodzevsky Cloister. Tower. XVI-XVII centuries

Zvenigorod. Savvino-Storodzevsky Cloister. Fragment of the fortification wall. XVI-XVII centuries
Zvenigorod. Savvino-Storodzevsky Cloister. Fragment of the fortification wall. XVI-XVII centuries

Zvenigorod. Savvino-Storodzevsky Cloister. Rodzdestvensky Cathedral. View from the Southeast. Fragment. 1405
Zvenigorod. Savvino-Storodzevsky Cloister. Rodzdestvensky Cathedral. View from the Southeast. Fragment. 1405

Zvenigorod. Savvino-Storodzevsky Cloister. Rodzdestvensky Cathedral. Ornamentation decorative stripe on the apse. 1405
Zvenigorod. Savvino-Storodzevsky Cloister. Rodzdestvensky Cathedral. Ornamentation decorative stripe on the apse. 1405

Zvenigorod. Savvino-Storodzevsky Cloister. Tsaritsiny palace porch. Middle of the XVII century
Zvenigorod. Savvino-Storodzevsky Cloister. Tsaritsiny palace porch. Middle of the XVII century

Zvenigorod. Savvino-Storodzevsky Cloister. Fortification wall and Red Tower. The XVII century
Zvenigorod. Savvino-Storodzevsky Cloister. Fortification wall and Red Tower. The XVII century

Pereslavl-Zalessky. Chapel-Cross. Fragment. 1557
Pereslavl-Zalessky. Chapel-Cross. Fragment. 1557

Pereslavl-Zalessky. Chapel-Cross. 1557
Pereslavl-Zalessky. Chapel-Cross. 1557

Pereslavl-Zalessky. Goritsky Cloister. Holy Gate. The XVII century
Pereslavl-Zalessky. Goritsky Cloister. Holy Gate. The XVII century

Pereslavl-Zalessky. Spaso-Preobradzensky Cloister. 1152
Pereslavl-Zalessky. Spaso-Preobradzensky Cloister. 1152

Zagorsk. Troitse-Sergieva Lavra. Dukhovskaya Church (1476-1477) and belltower (1741-1770)
Zagorsk. Troitse-Sergieva Lavra. Dukhovskaya Church (1476-1477) and belltower (1741-1770)

Zagorsk. Troitse-Sergieva Lavra. Belltower. Fragment. 1741-1770
Zagorsk. Troitse-Sergieva Lavra. Belltower. Fragment. 1741-1770

Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. Part of the fortification wall with the corner tower. Second half of the XVII century
Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. Part of the fortification wall with the corner tower. Second half of the XVII century

Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. Fortification walls. Fragment. Second half of the XVII century
Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. Fortification walls. Fragment. Second half of the XVII century

Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. Spassky Cathedral. K'ockoshnics. 1410-1427
Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. Spassky Cathedral. K'ockoshnics. 1410-1427

Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. Spassky Cathedral. 1410-1427
Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. Spassky Cathedral. 1410-1427

Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. Detail of the entrance portal of Spassky Cathedral. 1410-1427
Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. Detail of the entrance portal of Spassky Cathedral. 1410-1427

Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. The entrance portal of Spassky Cathedral. 1410-1427
Moscow. Spaso-Andronikov Cloister. The entrance portal of Spassky Cathedral. 1410-1427

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http://townevolution.ru/ 'История архитектуры и градостоительства'


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