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White-stone Russia. Photographies. Part 4

Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. View of the central part of the Cloister from the 'New city'. On the right-Kosaya Tower (XVII century), in the distance-Big Meredzennaya Tower (XVII century)
Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. View of the central part of the Cloister from the 'New city'. On the right-Kosaya Tower (XVII century), in the distance-Big Meredzennaya Tower (XVII century)

Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. Big Meredzennaya (Belozerskaya) Tower. The XVII century
Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. Big Meredzennaya (Belozerskaya) Tower. The XVII century

Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. The Church of Vladimir (1554). Fragment of the East facade
Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. The Church of Vladimir (1554). Fragment of the East facade

Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. The Church of Vladimir. Fragment of the apse. 1554
Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. The Church of Vladimir. Fragment of the apse. 1554

Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. 'New city'. On the foreground - the spire of the Kazanskaya Tower (XVII century), on the background - Vologodskaya Tower (XVII century)
Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. 'New city'. On the foreground - the spire of the Kazanskaya Tower (XVII century), on the background - Vologodskaya Tower (XVII century)

Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. 'Holy Gates' (1523) with the Church of St. John of the Ladder (1572). On the left (on the background)-the dome of the Uspensky Cathedral, on the right-belltower
Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. 'Holy Gates' (1523) with the Church of St. John of the Ladder (1572). On the left (on the background)-the dome of the Uspensky Cathedral, on the right-belltower

Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. The Church of Eufimy. 1653
Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. The Church of Eufimy. 1653

Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. 'New city'. The yard fortification wall. Fragment
Kirillo-Belozersky Cloister. 'New city'. The yard fortification wall. Fragment

Ferapontov Cloister. Holy Gates. 1649
Ferapontov Cloister. Holy Gates. 1649

Ferapontov Cloister. The Church of Martinian. 1640
Ferapontov Cloister. The Church of Martinian. 1640

Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. Ceramic details of the facade. 1490
Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. Ceramic details of the facade. 1490

Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. View from the Southwest. 1490
Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. View from the Southwest. 1490

Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. 1490. Decoration work on the wall of the vestibule of the church (fresco and relief)
Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. 1490. Decoration work on the wall of the vestibule of the church (fresco and relief)

Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. 1490. Wall painting in the vestibule of the church
Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. 1490. Wall painting in the vestibule of the church

Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. Fragment of Dionisy's fresco with the portrayal of the Virgin. (1500-1502)
Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. Fragment of Dionisy's fresco with the portrayal of the Virgin. (1500-1502)

. Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. Inside view with Dionisy's frescoes. 1500-1502
Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. Inside view with Dionisy's frescoes. 1500-1502

 Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. Demetrius Solunsky. Fragment of Dionisy's fresco. 1500-1502
Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. Demetrius Solunsky. Fragment of Dionisy's fresco. 1500-1502

Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. Encounter of Martha and Maria. Dionisy's fresco. 1500-1502
Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. Encounter of Martha and Maria. Dionisy's fresco. 1500-1502

Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. Paintings in the apse by Dionisy. Fragment. 1500-1502
Ferapontov Cloister. The Cathedral of Birth of the Virgin. Paintings in the apse by Dionisy. Fragment. 1500-1502

Ferapontov Cloister. Fragment of Dionisy's fresco with the portrayal of St. Nicholas at the South apse arch. 1500-1502
Ferapontov Cloister. Fragment of Dionisy's fresco with the portrayal of St. Nicholas at the South apse arch. 1500-1502

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